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Wrim's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 744 (From 141 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 9,335 Points

Level Up!

Medals Earned: 1/13 (5/390 points)

Gem Collector 5 Points

Collect 100 Gems.

Time Waster 5 Points

Play to day 7 and beyond.

Gem Connoisseur 10 Points

Collect All Giant Gems.

Gem Hoarder 10 Points

Collect 400 Gems.

Moving the Mail 10 Points

Find all the checkpoints in the level.

Dashing Course Legend 25 Points

Beat the Super Dashing Course in under 25 seconds.

Fountain of Knowledge 25 Points

Fill out every entry in the Codex.

Gem Addict 25 Points

Collect every Red Gem on the Level.

Mad Skills 25 Points

Buy every skill.

Grinding Maniac 50 Points

Max out every single level type.

Heartbreaker 50 Points

Defeat Nightmare with only 1 LOVE level.

Insomniac 50 Points

Complete the game without ever sleeping.

Obsessive 100 Points

Get 100% completion.

Luka&Lara: Robo Abduction

Medals Earned: 6/15 (100/500 points)

apuppy 10 Points

Managed to spot a puppy

flattened 10 Points

Crushed and flattened by a box

halfway 10 Points

Managed to get halfway through the game

unrobot 10 Points

Managed to defeat a robot

unrobot2 10 Points

Managed to defeat two robots

finish 50 Points

Finish the game once

badday 10 Points

Managed to fail in all different causes in a single play

electricshock 10 Points

Got electric shock

falling 10 Points

Falling down and failed

flattened2 10 Points

Crushed and flattened by an iron ball

lasereyes 10 Points

Shot with a laser beam from a robot's eyes

fast 50 Points

Managed to finish the game in less than 4 minutes

careful 100 Points

Managed to finish the game using not more than 120 taps / mouse clicks

flawless 100 Points

Managed to finish the game without a single fail

lovepuppies 100 Points

Managed to spot all 10 puppies throughout the game in one play

Madness Accelerant

Medals Earned: 2/5 (35/135 points)

Face Off 10 Points

Let out all your aggression.


Beat the game.

Pacifist 25 Points

Be kind to those less fortunate than yourself.

True Face of Evil 25 Points

Reveal the true face of evil!

Madness Mode 50 Points

Defeat Madness Mode!

Mega Miner

Medals Earned: 2/18 (10/495 points)

Coal Miner 5 Points

Mine 20 Pieces of Coal

Iron Miner 5 Points

Mine 20 Pieces of Iron

Digging Deep 5 Points

Reach a Depth of 300 Meters

Silver Miner 5 Points

Mine 20 Pieces of Silver

Emerald Miner 10 Points

Mine 20 Emeralds

Explorer 10 Points

Clear 5% of the Map

Gold Miner 10 Points

Mine 20 Pieces of Gold

Saphire Miner 10 Points

Mine 20 Saphires

Under Pressure 10 Points

Reach a Depth of 600 Meters

Diamond Miner 25 Points

Mine 20 Diamonds

Rock Bottom 25 Points

Reach a Depth of 1000 Meters

Ruby Miner 25 Points

Mine 20 Rubies

Black Box 50 Points

Find the Source of the Signal

Giant Gems 50 Points

Find 10 Giant Gems

Lost King 50 Points

Find the Ancient Remains

Prospector 50 Points

Clear 10% of the Map

Treasure! 50 Points

Find all the Treasure

Excavator 100 Points

Clear 25% of the Map

Melee Man

Medals Earned: 15/18 (100/250 points)

Level 1 Complete! 5 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 1

Level 10 Complete! 5 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 10

Level 2 Complete! 5 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 2

Level 3 Complete! 5 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 3

Level 4 Complete! 5 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 4

Level 5 Complete! 5 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 5

Level 6 Complete! 5 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 6

Level 7 Complete! 5 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 7

Level 8 Complete! 5 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 8

Level 9 Complete! 5 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 9

Level 11 Complete! 10 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 11

Level 12 Complete! 10 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 12

Level 13 Complete! 10 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 13

Level 14 Complete! 10 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 14

Level 15 Complete! 10 Points

Reach the door at the end of Level 15

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Micro Thief

Medals Earned: 1/4 (10/90 points)

Office Space 10 Points

You were in, out, and on your way to Chotchkie's in just 200 seconds

Ocean's Twelve 5 Points

You got all the gold, but with less skill and finesse than a beatboxing turkey

Sexy Beast 25 Points

You got the gold in under 150 seconds, about time you retired to Spain, right?

Italian Job 50 Points

You dirty tea leaf! You half-inched all that gold in under 110 seconds!

Minecraft Tower Defence 2

Medals Earned: 1/27 (5/390 points)

Getting Started! 5 Points

Complete the 'Deserted Beach' level on Adventure Mode.

FAP FAP FAP! 5 Points

Complete the 'Slime Pit' level on Adventure Mode.

No Place Like Home 5 Points

Complete the 'Village' level on Adventure Mode.

Spelunking 5 Points

Complete the 'Abandoned Mine' level on Adventure Mode.

Vertigo 5 Points

Complete the 'Ravine' level on Adventure Mode.

Walk in the Woods 5 Points

Complete the 'Forest' level on Adventure Mode.

3rd Degree 10 Points

Get 2,500 kills with lava.

Base Camp 10 Points

Complete the 'Mountain Ascent' level on Adventure Mode.

Cold Shoulder 10 Points

Freeze 2,500 mobs with a Snow Dispenser

Deja Vu 10 Points

Teleport 500 mobs using an Enderpearl Dispenser

Eight Legged Freaks 10 Points

Complete the 'Spider Cavern' level on Adventure Mode.

Firestarter 10 Points

Get 1,000 kills with a Fireball Dispenser.

Get Your Feet Wet 10 Points

Use 100 water.

Have a Nice Trip 10 Points

Get 500 kills with Trapdoors.

Into the Night 10 Points

Complete the 'Underground Ravine' level on Adventure Mode.

Locked Up 10 Points

Use 25 Iron Bars.

Nuke Em 10 Points

Get 250 kills with TNT.

Prick! 10 Points

Get 100 kills with Cacti.

Sharpshooter 10 Points

Get 1,000 kills with an Arrow Dispenser.

Shell Shocked 10 Points

Get 1,000 kills with an Egg Dispenser.

Sticky Situation 10 Points

Get 1,000 kills with a Slime Dispenser.

To the Summit! 10 Points

Complete the 'Ice Peak' level on Adventure Mode.

King of the Castle 25 Points

Complete the 'Stronghold' level on Adventure Mode.

We Need to go Deeper 25 Points

Complete the 'Nether Portal' level on Adventure Mode.

Arachnologist 50 Points

Get to Wave 50 on the Spider Cavern survival map.

Return to Sender 50 Points

Complete the Adventure Mode!

Survivalist 50 Points

Get to Wave 50 on any Survival Mode game.


Medals Earned: 10/15 (95/265 points)

Day 1 5 Points

Complete the first day

Welcome to the moon 5 Points

The lunar surface...

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Game completed 25 Points

What really happened?, it was all a dream?

Moon 100 Points

Enter in the true secret room, welcome to Lunar Industries!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/95 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

N3rd Boy

Medals Earned: 1/9 (10/495 points)

Gawker 10 Points

Watch the Intro

Speedrunner 25 Points

First level in under 5 seconds

All Discs 50 Points

Collect all floppies

D3ath Boy 50 Points

Die 1000 times

Nyargh 100 Points

Slay the Nyan Cat

Our Hero 100 Points

Complete the game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!